Two Addenda Go Out for Public Review!

This proposed addendum is undergoing a 30-day 2nd Publication Public Review from March 29 to April 28, 2019: Addendum 135-2016bw. There is a need for a simple, universal data exchange format for the transfer of time-series data between various platforms for operations such as analyzing the energy performance of buildings. This addendum adds a Time Series Data Exchange Format.
This proposed addendum is undergoing a 45-day 1st Publication Public Review from March 29 to May 13, 2019: Addendum 135-2016bx. This addendum adds Device Address Proxy functions, i.e., describes a mechanism by which a BACnet router can perform I-Am request proxying for any directly connected BACnet network.

Please click on the links above to see the addendum’s content or visit to both get a copy and submit comments.
