Smart Grid Working Group (SG-WG)

This group will work on issues relating to communication between building automation and control systems and utility providers with a new focus on Smart Grid technologies.

The Smart Grid WG is all about enabling the building to be an active participant in the operation of the electric grid. This includes integration of facility load as a resource (demand response), customer owned generation (distributed generation), and customer owned storage (electrical, thermal, pumped water, etc.). SG-WG is working to define a building energy services interface (ESI) that receives OpenADR signals, market signals, utility meter data, and weather feeds, and then communicates on the internal BACnet network to manage consumption and receive load forecasts. The ESI can then provide external grid services (e.g., DR response) and serve data via BACnet web services to building clients (e.g., OpenADR signals, load history and forecasts).

SG-WG is evaluating different use cases to understand the required data, use of objects and services, storage and other details required to then serve data to external clients in FSGIM (ASHRAE 201) format via BACnet web services (Annex W). We are also examining semantic tags relevant to smart grid as input to the ASHRAE 223 semantic tag standard.

If you are interested in participating in the work of this WG, please contact the convener.

Convener: David Holmberg, NIST

Join us as a Volunteer
