Changes since the Last Publication

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2020 (BACnet) was published in October 2020 as Protocol Revision 22. This update to the 135 standard includes the 21 addenda to 135-2016 and the 93 errata found in 135-2016.

With the latest published addenda to Standard 135-2020 and the newly published 135-2024, the Standard 135 Protocol Revision is now 30.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135.1-2023 (BACnet Testing Standard), was published in January 2023.


Published addenda and addenda currently out for public review can be found here.

Interpretation Requests

Interpretations to Standard 135, 135.1 and any published addenda can be found here.


Errata to Standard 135, 135.1 and any published addenda can be found here.
