Buy the Standard!

The BACnet Standard, or ANSI/ASHRAE 135, defines the BACnet Protocol. The corresponding International Organization for Standardization (ISO) designation is ISO 16484-5. The Standard, with its errata or amendments, can be purchased, downloaded, and ordered either on the ASHRAE or ISO websites.
ASHRAE Bookstore:
For future versions or updates, please search for “BACnet 135” in the ASHRAE Bookstore search/help box.
ASHRAE 135 – The BACnet Standard
- ASHRAE 135-2020, Standard by ASHRAE
- ASHRAE 135-2016 Errata (July 6, 2020), Standard by ASHRAE
- ASHRAE IC 135-2016-14 – Interpretation 14 IC to Standard 135-2016, Standard by ASHRA
ASHRAE 135.1 – The BACnet Companion Standard (Method of Test for Conformance to BACnet)
- ASHRAE 135.1-2023, Standard by ASHRAE
- ASHRAE 135.1-2019, Standard by ASHRAE
- ASHRAE 135.1-2013, Standard by ASHRAE
To contact the ASHRAE Bookstore directly:
- E-Mail:
- Telephone: 1-800-527-4723 (Toll-Free)
ISO Bookstore:
For the BACnet standard, search for “ISO 16484-5” on the ISO Bookstore, or use the following links:
- ISO 16484-5:2017 Building automation and control systems (BACS) — Part 5: Data communication protocol
- ISO 16484-5:2017/Amd 1:2020 Building automation and control systems (BACS) — Part 5: Data communication protocol — Amendment 1
For The BACnet Companion Standard (Method of Test for Conformance to BACnet) search for “ISO 16484-6” or use the following link: