Life Safety and Security Working Group (LSS-WG)

The goal of this group is to determine whether new objects and services are needed to facilitate the use of BACnet in life safety and security applications and, if so, to develop them.

This new group will research, draft, and propose additions to the BACnet to support the requirements of life safety and security applications. The first systems to be tackled were fire alarm and control systems. The group has developed several new objects and services to this end.

The group has completed work on the life safety features of BACnet needed for fire alarm systems. Attention is now focused on security system requirements.

The white paper “Physical Access Control with BACnet” (updated September 2008) represents the ongoing conceptual work of the LSS-WG for extending the BACnet standard into the realm of Physical Access Control.

Convener: David Ritter, Delta Controls

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